Porsche Story


Aside from inflationary considerations and impatience, it has been the consensus of opinion that too often revised or later editions do not always compare favorably with first editions. A case in point is the splendid PORSCHE STORY by Julius Weitmann...  The original edition covers the Porsche years from 1951 to 1968, which is fine for our interest and purposes. The updated edition extends coverage to 1971 or 1973 and from what I understand the quality of the paper and new

material is not an a par with the earlier version. So if you can still obtain an earlier edition do so by all means as it a glorious Porsche Picture book (black & white) with minimal but concise text.

Externally the older edition is readily discernible by the book jacket which features the famous picture of Ferry Porsche sitting on the hood of an early 911 (he can sit on my Porsches’ hoods any time) depicted in the view finder of Rollei.