TITLE            Illustrated Porsche Buyer’s Guide 1st edition 

AUTHOR     Batchelor


                    1st edition

ISBN 10        0879381590

ISBN 13         No ISBN 13

PRICE           $25.00


From my Reviews in the 356 Registry:

The illustrated Porsche Buyers Guide by Dean Batchelor is living proof that even decent scholarship can not replace familiarity in writing. Dean Batchelor had previously written a similar format illustrated Ferrari's Buyers Guide, which was useful and according to my fanatic Ferrari friends is decent evaluation of the 

beasts.  The Porsche Book has a pretty fair history and description but no feeling for significance. The 356/1 roadster is rated as a very desirable model!!   Actually, I guess that's true but is trivial from the buyer's point of view.  The Gümnd coupe is grossly undervalued -- funny considering he uses Bob Roucher's car as an example. He considers the original steel body 356 to be worth only 2 stars (out of a possible 5) -- which unfortunately is probably true, but also rates them as good cars to drive and enjoy:  it would probably take some one as fanatical as I to really understand and mean that statement.  He also down rates the original 356 on the basis of quantity produced!  And believe it or not the 75 Carrera is considered a 4 star automobile while the 356 Carreras are only 3.5.  All of you  with 916 Porsches will be delighted to know 

they are 5 star collectable as is the 2000 GS-GT - none of which were ever sold by the factory - (to my knowledge).  But the Troutman Barnes 4 door 911 is only 3 stars.  Larry Braun should save his Glöckler since it's 5 stars and the 2 original (wrong there too) pushrod Spyders are 5 stars.  The book is not even a near miss as a collector's guide, and is poor on post 356 stuff -- in the space two paragraphs he describes 

the 924 as having an aluminum then cast iron engine. 

 Illustrated Porsche Buyer’s Guide  edition 2

TITLE            Illustrated Porsche Buyer’s Guide  edition 2

AUTHOR     Batchelor


                    edition 2

ISBN 10        0879382392

ISBN 13         No ISBN 13

PRICE           $14.95