An old friend of a book is out for the third go around. Henry Rasmussen is well known for his SURVIVORS series books. About eight years ago he came out with PORSCHES FOR THE ROAD; which featured a 550 Spyder (then Tony Singer's), a 356A Speedster, a 356B Carrera 2 (Al Hanson's - probably in Japan by now), a 356C Cab (still Dr. Bill Jackson's) and a lovely 904 (still Chuck Stoddard's) as well as eight later cars...Amazingly the beautiful color photographs of each featured car and back & white/sepia contemporary photographs accompanying decent histories, were crisp as ever. After leading the sales charts for over a year PFR and the simultaneously published FERRARIS, JAGUARS, and MERCEDES FOR THE ROAD fell out of print. Now they are back as FOUR FOR THE ROAD. Unfortunately the color photographs in the Porsche section are not quite as crisp as before - still good but not quite as good as before. I was sent a prepublication copy and perhaps the production ones will be better.