TITLE               Carrera 2.7 MFI 74-76

AUTHOR          Snodgrass


ISBN 10            no ISBN 10

ISBN 13            9780996268288

Price                $300.00    



Carrera 2.7 is the logical and deserved continuation of the Gruber and  Konradsheim 1973 Carrera RS.  It is easily as well presented, including a bookcase and superb reproduction of an amazing number of new photographs; as well extremely detailed charts -- including the arcane factory numbering system.  The G series 2.7 Carreras have recently surged in value and this book is the only complete source of information, including all serial numbers, chassis and engine, and as delivered options, colors and interiors.

TITLE               turbo 3.0 75-77

AUTHOR         Snodgrass


ISBN 10           no ISBN 10

ISBN 13           9780996268240

Price               $345.00    

List Price        $395.00 


Ryan Snodgrass’ Turbo 3.0 is the logical continuation of his Carrera 2.7 book, in turn the logical continuation of the Gruber and Konradsheim 1973 Carrera RS book.  As with his Carrera 2.7, included is a slipcase as well as 530 pages of extremely high class paper, superb reproduction and beautiful photographs; as well extremely detailed charts -- including specifications including serial numbers, colors, interiors and all options of all cars.  Beautifully done, more information than any boy over 12 ever wanted to know.